Above the Law
金雞/Golden Chicken
金雞2/ Golden Chicken 2
別叫我"賭神"/One More Chance
的士判官/Taxi Hunter
The Impossible 3/非凡三俠
Heir to the Throne/家族荣耀之继承者
竹夫人/Madame Bamboo
金瓶風月/The Golden Lotus Love and Desire
猛鬼差館/The Haunted Cop Shop
慈禧秘密生活/Lover of the Last Empress
上海皇帝之歲月風雲/Lord of East China Sea
上海皇帝之雄霸天下/Lord of East China Sea II
功夫瑜伽/KungFu Yoga
意亂情迷/Double Fixation
猛鬼學堂/The Haunted Cop Shop II
Line Walker 2
無雙/Project Gutenberg
The Handsome Siblings/小魚兒與花無缺