招半式闖江湖 - Half a Loaf of Kung Fu
拳精 - Spiritual Kung Fu
風雨雙流星 - The Killer Meteors
少林木人巷 - Shaolin Wooden Men
新精武門 - New Fist of Fury
Big波誘惑 - My Horny Girl Friend
大醉俠 - Come Drink with Me - Hành Khất Đại Hiệp
女警察 - Rumble in Hong Kong
少林門 - Hand of Death
劍花煙雨江南 - To Kill with Intrigue
Happily Ever After? - 婚后事
The Conspiracy
Gentle Reflections - Mối Hận Kim Bình
The Great Revival - Phục Quốc Phụ Tình
The Vixen's Tale
Ancient Heroes
潛行 - I Did It My Way
In Bed With A Stranger - 再见·枕边人
烏鼠機密檔案 - Run and Kill